Hello, today I will introduce you the Sea Of Thieves Hack.We all need a solid cheat that will make the game easier. I'm sure this is what you're looking for. Even if it doesn't have perfect features, it will do the job well enough.
Sea Of Thieves is an extremely fun game. One becomes the captain and one becomes the crew.
You have to explore the islands in the endless ocean and fight against different pirates. The strongest with the best weapons will win the battles. You can bombard each other with ships from afar, or you can open your sails and escape quickly.
Sea Of Thieves Hack Keybinds:
- Bhop: Space
- Auto Digging: Ctrl + G
- Reload Gun Faster: Ctrl + J (Toggle ON/OFF)
- Barrel Auto Collect: Ctrl + F
- Loot Sprint: V
- Anti-AFK: Ctrl + F12 (Toggle ON/OFF)
- Auto Bucket: Ctrl + H
- Cannon Reload: Ctrl + Right Mouse Button
- Sword Lunge: Ctrl + Alt + S
- Freeze and Unfreeze the Game Anytime: Ctrl + X
- Toggle On/Off the whole Script: F12
For some the Script needs AutoHotKey to be installed, here's the download link.
For Loot Sprint to work You will need to turn on Reduce hold to interact in the Accessibility Settings
For Barrel Auto Collect to work You will need to change your DPI to 800 and in Game Sensitivity to 1.7
Good Game: Click here for more free cheats
Download and unpack the app SOT Helper External Cheat zip file. Launch the app while the SOT Helper External Cheat is running and click add overlay. Use the menus to select which features you want to have enabled or disabled.
Works with Windows 10 and 11, but only seems to work with the Steam version, not the Microsoft version.
If you are experiencing trouble with the crosshair and compass not being at the center of the screen and / or objects not being properly tracked, it might have to do with the scaling settings in Windows.
If that is the case go to the Start menu -> Settings -> system -> Scaling and layout -> set it to 100%
Sorry if you use that setting for a reason, you can always change it back afterwards. It seems the overlay type I am using cannot always take that scaling properly into account.
Features of Sea Of Thieves Hack | SoT AHK MultiHack
- Barrel Auto Collect
- Loot Sprint
- Bhop
- Reload Gun Faster (≈20%)
- Anti-afk
- Cannon Reload
- Sword Lunge
- Auto Digging
- Freeze And Unfreeze The Game Anytime.
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