Sea of Thieves EAC Bypass (Temporary) SoT EOS

Sea of Thieves EAC Bypass (Temporary) SoT EOS Sea of Thieves EAC Bypass (Temporary) SoT EOS

The Sea of Thieves EAC Bypass automatically changes the important app identification numbers that correspond to the game, invalid ids simply mean no anticheat initialization, and when the game boots it reverts them to their original state (in case game checks for the file tampering).

Initialization of EasyAntiCheat fails if we modify the 'sandboxid', 'deploymentid', and 'productid' in the 'settings.json' configuration file. To be safe, we reverse the changes made to 'settings.json' upon the launch of the final game executable to prevent any (if existing) anti-tamper checks in the game.

Microsoft Support:
Sometimes Microsoft "limits" the access of the files in XboxGames folder, you might have to run sot-eos-bypass.exe with Administrator privilege or even System/TrustedInstaller privilege

How to set up config aka game path variable?
It's really easy! Just open up game_path.ini along the sot-eos-bypass.exe and paste in your game installation folder path.


  1. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sea of Thieves


  1.  C:\XboxGames\Sea of Thieves\Content


How to use this bypass?

  1. Start Sea of Thieves over Steam and create a new session
  2. Sail out to the sea until you are not the range of any island, seapost, seafort etc.
  3. Close your game via ALT+F4 and wait until the game is completly closed by steam
  4. Start the "EAC bypass file"
  5. Start Sea of Thieves again and wait until the bypass says "EAC/EOS sucessfully bypassed"
  6. Join back to your session and dive to another server using the raid voyages like "sea fort raid" etc.
  7. After you sucessfully dived to the other server with the "bypass" activated you should not have the problem that you permanently get kicked off the server cause of "Hazelnutbeard"
  8. Inject the cheat you want, and use it as you like! This method also works for the External ESP cheat of Caldor.
  9. And lastly!
  10. Happy Sailing and enjoy the hacks again!

Features of Sea of Thieves EAC Bypass (Temporary) SoT EOS

  • Anticheat-bypass
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  • xeroxsosiggy

    when i open it,it just closes out very fast what do i do?

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