Project Slayers Lazy Hub Script: Auto Farm - INF Breathing and More!

Project Slayers Lazy Hub Script: Auto Farm - INF Breathing and More! Project Slayers Lazy Hub Script: Auto Farm - INF Breathing and More!

The game Project Slayer is a ruthless world where people fight against demons. Survival and defeating enemies in this world are challenging. Even though people can later turn into demons, everyone is born into this world as a human. What will make you the most powerful human or demon in this harsh world is our Project Slayers Lazy Hub Script.

About Project Slayers Script

This cheat offers you numerous different features. The most crucial one is Auto Farm. With this feature, you can attack your opponent from any direction and defeat them. You can also use the desired skill while attacking your opponent thanks to the Auto Skill feature.

Other essential features include Inf Breathing and Inf Stamina. With these features, you will never stop during battles and can keep attacking without pause. You can run and jump as much as you want and use skills freely.

If you are a demon in this world, sunlight will kill you. However, with our Project Slayer Script and the No-Sun Damage feature, you can become the most powerful demon without taking damage from sunlight. No human can stand against you.

Furthermore, other features in our script hack include: Auto Loot, Teleport, Auto Equip, Auto Gourd, and more!

To use this script, click to "How to Use Roblox Scripts"

Features of Project Slayers Lazy Hub Script: Auto Farm - INF Breathing and More!

  • Auto Farm
  • Teleport
  • Auto Loot
  • Auto Equip
  • Auto Skill
  • Auto Meditate
  • Auto Gourd
  • No Sun Damage
  • Inf Stamina
  • Inf Breathing
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