Well Well since some people got their hands on this and are selling it like its candy
I will be dropping it here for you guys maybe some people struggling can use this for
help etc, For context, this source was from MW2, and it has been ported over to MW3.
All features should be working if not just go to dllmain.cpp and update the sigs.
I will not help you update when it breaks, I'm dropping it to help and give people a base to learn from and enjoy.
1000 Fov
Third Person
Anti-Stun, Anti Flash
Fully Custom Menu ( Over Sold TBH )
Many Cbuff commands
Many editors
( Trouble shooting )
Error C2102 '&' requires l-value
To fix this do this in your visual studio project:
Project Properties -> C/C++ -> Language -> Conformance mode -> No (/permissive)
Features of MW3 AIO | Updated + Working
- Fov Changer
- Thirdperson
- Anti-stun
- Anti-flash
- Cbuff Commands
- Many Editors
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