Lumpia Rogue Company Cheat | ESP, Aimbot and More!

Lumpia Rogue Company Cheat | ESP, Aimbot and More! Lumpia Rogue Company Cheat | ESP, Aimbot and More!

If you're in search of an UNDETECTED cheat for Rogue Company, you've undoubtedly landed on the most accurate post for Lumpia RC Cheat. Step into the realm of Free Lumpia Hack for Rogue Company. Elevate your gaming experience with legendary features such as Aimbot, ESP, and many other free cheats functionalities! Once you complete the instructions below in full, the Lumpia Rogue Company Cheat will seamlessly work for you. However, please note that if you are a Windows 11 user, this project may not be useful for you.

How to use:

  1. Turn Off Antivirus
  2. Download Rogue Company Hack
  3. Open game
  4. Wait for lobby
  5. Open injector.exe
  6. Wait for driver load
  7. Window class name: UnrealWindow
  8. Press enter
  9. Enjoy!

Only works with Win10 users
MenuKey: Insert/INS

Features of Lumpia Rogue Company Cheat | ESP, Aimbot and More!

  • Esp
  • Esp Box
  • Esp Skeleton
  • Esp Line
  • Esp Distance
  • Esp Health
  • Aimbot
  • Fov Customize
  • Customkey
  • Smoothing
  • And Other Features
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Rogue Company Internal Hack | AimBot & Esp

Free Download Lumpia Rogue Company Cheat | ESP, Aimbot and More!

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  • otaviolelet

    Aparece DRIVE LOAD ERROR =

     (1)  (0) Reply
  • Comments
  • Predella

    It is no longer working. The injector can no longer load Cheat into the game.

     (0)  (0) Reply
    • HiraganaScr

      [ - Logs - ] -> Driver Loaded Success window class name: UnrealWindow [= debug emulation =] -> packets received [ RakNet.dll ] | [ EACServer.dll ] : 0x12992 [ server_response ] -> [ authentication packet ] => decrypted 1/2 [ server_response ] -> [ authentication packet ] => decrypted 2/2 [= debug emulation =] -> packets decrypted: 0x8984 [- Logs -] Allocate Base: 0x00000296C1D50000

       (0)  (0) Reply
      • JustVex

        Ban from the first match

         (0)  (0) Reply
        • Bot3

          Sounds like you went "rage", if you don't wanna be banned faster than usain bolt, play safe + It's a free cheat that hasn't been updated in what 2 months?! You really expect it to be "undetected" NO, it will never be as long as it's public, so stop complaining, and if it's really such a big problem. Make your own cheat D:

           (0)  (2)
          • Cheat works well, but I wish there was silent aim + it crashes when someone is in exclusive full screen.

             (0)  (0) Reply
            • Predella

              The cheat works perfectly and is great. The ban rate will largely depend on your gameplay and how much you are going to do. Today, 02/20/2024, there was an update on Rogue Company!!! Please update the cheat for the new version of the game. This cheat is incredible!

               (0)  (0) Reply
              • K3nsei

                Hello, the cheat is on aob scan so it does not need update. It will auto update itself

                 (0)  (0)
                • Predella

                  Damn, I didn't know about "aob scan" and that it updates itself... This is the purest technology juice, you're awesome, man! Thanks for the cheat. I'm going to test it again now to see if it's working well, but before it worked perfectly when I tested it.

                   (0)  (0)
                  • otaviolelet

                    Aparece DRIVE LOAD ERROR =

                     (1)  (0) Reply
                    • Bot3

                      English only, but turn off anti virus and turn off core isolation, restart pc, turn off UAC and try again

                       (0)  (0)
                      • Predella

                        Aqui funcionou perfeitamente, amigo. Verifique se voce tem todos os arquivos essenciais para rodar jogos no windows, no youtube tem videos com os packs para instalar, é só pesquisar. E verifique também se todos os seus antivirus, bem como o windows defender, estão desativados. Verifique tambem se o "secure boot" na sua bios também está desativado.

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