How to extract ZIP Archives (Winrar, 7zip)
  • How to extract ZIP Archives (Winrar, 7zip)

    How to extract a ZIP Archive

    ZIP Archives such as (.rar, .zip or .7z) are commonly used by our website to make your experience easier. With the use of ZIPs we can bundle all the files you need in one convenient place.

    For the extraction of these Archives you will need a tool. We recommend using 7Zip.

    The steps to extracting an archive are very simple and easy so you don't have to worry. We are going to explain everything in detail right here.

    1. Download 7Zip from the official website or by clicking here.
    2. Locate the archive you want to extract.
    3. Right click on the archive (.rar, .zip or .7z) and hover over the "7-Zip" option.
    4. From the drop down menu, select "Extract Here".
    5. Your files should have now been extracted successfully.

    NOTE: All the archives on our website are protected by a password which you will be promted to input upon extracting. Keep in mind that the passwords for all our archives on this website is "123"

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