We offer you a free Dreampool MineCraft Hack Client, legitimate, cross-platform, absolutely invisible software for 1.16.5 + Forge, free of charge. Dreampool MineCraft Client has a wide range of useful functions that will help you in any situation and it is completely free do not pay anyone for it! We also wish you good games in this Crâcked version, which has functionality that you cannot find in any other minecraft cheat client! :)
How to fix startup problems?
If you crash on startup, it mainly occurs for 2 reasons:
- Or the hosting is blocking you (Check if you can access the site without a VPN)
- You do not have Java installed
To fix the first problem, just download any free VPN and run with it. To fix the second problem, just download Java, then set JAVA_HOME
Minecraft won't launch
If you are not allowed into Minecraft, try running the 'Remover.exe' file and then opening the launcher again, this will reinstall the main components of the cheat.
Be sure to make sure that you have Minecraft installed (win + r >> %appdata% >> .minecraft).
Features of Dreampool MineCraft Hack Client [1.16.5]
- Aimassist
- Airplace
- Anchoraura
- Antiafk
- Antiblind
- Anticactus
- Antientitypush
- Antihunger
- Antifire
- Antiknockback
- Antipotion
- Antispam
- Antiwaterpush
- Antiwobble
- Arrowdmg
- Autoarmor
- Autobuild
- Autocomplete
- Autodrop
- Autoeat
- Autofarm
- Autofish
- Autoleave
- Autolibrarian
- Automine
- Autopotion
- Autoreconnect
- Autorespawn
- Autosign
- Autosoup
- Autosprint
- Autosteal
- Autoswim
- Autoswitch
- Autosword
- Autotool
- Autototem
- Autowalk
- Basefinder
- Blink
- Blockhit
- Boatfly
- Bonemealaura
- Bowaimbot
- Buildrandom
- Bunnyhop
- Cameradistance
- Cameranoclip
- Cavefinder
- Chattranslator
- Chestesp
- Clickaura
- Clickgui
- Cmd-block
- Crashchest
- Crashtag
- Creativeflight
- Criticals
- Crystalaura
- Derp
- Dolphin
- Excavator
- Extraelytra
- Fancychat
- Fastbow
- Fastbreak
- Fasteat
- Fastladder
- Fastplace
- Feedaura
- Fightbot
- Flight
- Follow
- Forceop
- Forcepush
- Freecam
- Fullbright
- Glide
- Handnoclip
- Headless
- Headroll
- Healthtags
- Highjump
- Infinichat
- Instantbunker
- Invwalk
- Itemesp
- Itemgenerator
- Jesus
- Jetpack
- Kaboom
- Killaura
- Killauralegit
- Killpotion
- Liquids
- Logspammer
- Lsd
- Masstpa
- Mileycyrus
- Mobesp
- Mobspawnesp
- Mountbypass
- Multiaura
- Nameprotect
- Nametags
- Navigator
- Newchunks
- Nobackground
- Noclip
- Nocomcrash
- Nofall
- Nofireoverlay
- Nohurtcam
- Nolevitation
- Nooverlay
- Nopumpkin
- Noslowdown
- Noweather
- Noweb
- Nuker
- Nukerlegit
- Openwateresp
- Op-sign
- Overlay
- Panic
- Parkour
- Phase
- Playeresp
- Playerfinder
- Portalgui
- Potionsaver
- Prophuntesp
- Protect
- Radar
- Rainbowui
- Reach
- Regen
- Remoteview
- Restock
- Safewalk
- Scaffoldwalk
- Search
- Servercrasher
- Skinderp
- Sneak
- Snowshoe
- Spammer
- Speedhack
- Speednuker
- Spider
- Step
- Templatetool
- Throw
- Tillaura
- Timer
- Tired
- Toomanyhax
- Tp-aura
- Trajectories
- Treebot
- Triggerbot
- Trollpotion
- Truesight
- Tunneller
- X-ray
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