Counter Strike Source is a very nice game made by Valve, which is the CS game of everyone's childhood. Your aim in the game is to kill your opponents and win the game, as in every counter strike game, but the most beautiful and fun thing that CS: Source has brought to us is BunnyHop.
There are various community servers for you to do this activity. So what is this Bunny Hop? To put it briefly, it is a jumping technique that allows you to move faster in the game. Of course, mastering BHop manually can be really difficult and annoying. As, we share with you a very nice cheat that will help you make bunny easily and make the game more fun with various features such as aim.
Counter Strike Source Nastro Hack
ZE-hopELite is a great cheat that will meet your need to bunny hop in the game. You will no longer waste time and get angry with manual controls. Another plus point of this trick, which provides great advantages to its users, is that the user interface is extremely simple, all you have to do is activate the feature you want and start using it. So, if you ask, what advantages does this Counter Strike Source Hack offer us? As I said at the beginning, one of the most striking features is AutoJump.
This feature automatically jumps for you at the right time, so you can bunny easily. Another standout feature is Legit Strafe. Thanks to this feature, it strafes in a professional manner that will not reveal that you are cheating, and your gaming pleasure increases and your chance of being banned decreases.
Finally, when it comes to usage, extract the dll file after downloading the file from our site. Since the cheat is in dll format, you need an injector. Open CS: Source and inject the cheat into the game. Press the INSERT key (INS) to open the cheat's menu. And have fun!
Features of Counter Strike Source Hack | Nastro CSS Cheat
- Auto Jump
- Legit Strafe
- Auto Strafe
- Draw Jump Stats
- Kz Reset
- Aim Settings
- Visuals
- Config Settings
- And More!
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