Chained Together Mod Hack allows you to step into a new era in the game. Thanks to the features it contains, you will never die! If you want, let me tell you about some of its features;
Chained Together game is an escape game that has become popular recently. This escape adventure, starting from the depths of hell, offers you a wonderful experience. In this game, which you can play alone or with a maximum of 4 people, you start chained to each other and everyone must be in perfect coordination. Sometimes you can die because of people on your team, sometimes because of yourself, and this can be really frustrating. That's why I want to introduce you to Chained Together Mod Hack.
About to Chained Together Mod Hack
You can avoid flying and dying by turning on the FlyMod feature at critical moments. Press (F7) to use the FlyMod.
The save position to teleport feature saves you before entering a challenging track so that you can teleport to your safe location in a critical situation. Press (F5) to use the Save Position to Teleport feature.
The Teleport to Saved Position feature is a great feature that will teleport you to a safe point when you are about to die. Press (F6) to use the Teleport to Saved Position feature.
How To Use
- Download dll with name d3d12.dll
- Put it in game folder -> ChainedTogether\Binaries\Win64
- Open the game
- Press Insert Key to open menu (features works in game not in lobby)
Q: Menu dosent works?
A: If menu doesnt works make sure force the game to open on DX12 from steam by following this steps.
Features of Chained Together Mod Hack
- Flymod
- Save Position To Teleport
- Teleport To Saved Position
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